Who we are
Background & Mission
The Troy Savings Bank Charitable Foundation is an independent private foundation that is the community legacy of The Troy Savings Bank. Although the Bank was acquired by another institution in 2004, the Foundation continues the Bank's proud charitable giving tradition with an emphasis on programs and initiatives that build stronger communities.
Funding Goals
The Troy Savings Bank Charitable Foundation seeks to fund initiatives that will make positive and lasting changes in our communities. Of special interest to the Foundation are grantmaking opportunities that leverage grant effect through collaboration with other not-for-profit organizations, government agencies, and private funding sources. In short, the Foundation encourages grant applicants to form community partnerships that will create long lasting benefits and efficiencies.
Operating Support Grants
The Foundation will consider requests for operating support from organizations that provide vital community services. All interested applicants must call or email the Foundation Executive Director to discuss the request before submitting a funding application.