How We Serve Our Community
The Troy Savings Bank Charitable Foundation focuses its giving in the following program areas:
• Community Development - programs or initiatives that provide vital human services, support for individuals & families experiencing homelessness, and access to safe and affordable housing. In addition, the Foundation welcomes grant inquiries from organizations that work collaboratively to eliminate food insecurity and decrease the incidence of alcohol & substance abuse.
• Youth Development - programs that help young people develop needed skills for the workforce of tomorrow. The Foundation also provides support for programs serving at-risk youth during non-school hours. This may include after school and summer camp programs serving school-age children and teens. Of special interest to the Foundation are programs focused on preventing gun violence in our communities.
• Arts & Culture - artistic and cultural initiatives that enrich our communities, with special consideration given to those that provide access to the arts for financially disadvantaged youth. In addition, the Foundation provides significant support for the world-renowned Troy Savings Bank Music Hall.